Fiji’s international borders are on track to fully open on 1 December 2021 for all fully vaccinated travellers from Travel Partner Countries including Australia. We...
Reopening Fiji – Your Covid-safe Travel Experience
FIJI REOPENING – YOUR COVID-SAFE TRAVEL EXPERIENCE ONLINE WEBINAR - TUESDAY 16 NOVEMBER 2021 0900 Brisbane, 1000 Sydney, 1100 Fiji. Click on this link to register...
Fiji Tourism Update Webinar
The AFBC was pleased to host Brent Hill, CEO of Fiji Tourism, in an online briefing to members and guests about preparations being made for the reopening of Fiji’s...
Fiji Border and Tourism Update
We are pleased to invite you to join a webinar next Monday 13 September, at 10am (AEST), on the latest plans for re-opening of Fiji hosted by the Australia Fiji...
Pacific Infrastructure Briefing Webinar, 9 Sept 2021
The Australia Pacific Islands Business Council is hosting a webinar next Thursday 9 September, at 11am (AEST), to provide an update of infrastructure projects in the...
Fiji Airports secures major financing facility through ANZ and AIFFP
FIJI AIRPORTS MEDIA RELEASE Fiji Airports secures major financing facility through ANZ Fiji and the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP)...
Australia provides 560,000 vaccines to Fiji to date
The Australia Fiji Business Council congratulates the Australian Government on its provision to date of 560,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccines to Fiji, with a target of...
COVID-19 Vaccines shipped by COVAX arrive in Fiji
Fiji became the first country in the Pacific islands to receive COVID-19 vaccine doses shipped via the COVAX Facility, a partnership between CEPI, Gavi, UNICEF and WHO....
Pacific nations recovery needs regional solutions
ANZ Banking Group writes here that a step up in engagement by the Australian and New Zealand governments, combined with regional and international economic support over...
Australian Government Assisting Fijian Recovery From Cyclone Yasa
The Australia Fiji Business Council welcomes continuing assistance to the Fijian people in their recovery from Cycle Yasa through work being undertaken in Fiji by the...
Cyclone Yasa Strikes Fiji
Between 16 and 18 December Cyclone Yasa, a Category 5 system, crossed Fiji in a south easterly direction starting in the Yasawas, crossing Vanua Levu with significant...
ANZ Pacific Insight: Fiji’s Economic Recovery, Question of How Many Visitors
Fiji’s tourism industry has been hit hard by COVID-19 induced border closures. In the note here ANZ: Defines the importance of the tourism sector to Fiji’s economy;...